Thursday, May 12, 2011

Have you read anything good lately?  That's a question that I'm asked often by children and adults.  Actually, the kids in the library ask me if I have any good books.  Of course, I read all the time, but I used to draw a blank when asked.  So, now I write down what I read in this pretty little Vera Bradley (love those products!) notebook.  When someone asks for a book recommendation, I have an answer right at my fingertips.  This might be a weird librarian thing, or you might want to try it, too!

There are other ways to track what you  read. is an awesome tool.  They have thorough reviews for titles.  As a member, you and your friends can share information about different titles that you've read.  If you decide to join or are already a member, please look me up!  

1 comment:

  1. Or you could go to my friend Rene's library blog @:

    She always has a great suggestion for you to read.
